
Monday, May 9, 2011

Thrift Share Monday

Hi Everyone! I am participating in my first Thrift Share Monday hosted by the lovely Apron Thrift Girl. My thrifty finds lately have been really good. When I go to garage sales or estate sales I'm usually going Saturday morning after I take care of a couple of errands, which means they really need to be close by. I'm uninterested in leaving my husband at home with two kiddos for to long. He can handle it but he works hard all week, and deserves some me time too. Anyway, the sales need to be close by, I need to see the signs on my way home. Well the weekend before last I totally scored. You can read all about that at my previous posting Garage Sales.

So what am I really looking for? Outdoor toys. We have a large yard and our neighbors can't see us (read: we can junk it up) so I would like toys that can keep my kids and my friends kids entertained. I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Well on my way home from the grocery store I saw a sign for an estate sale. Since they had a fancy sign for it I decided to go for it. As soon as I drove up I got excited. I saw a playhouse and a picnic table. Now I only had $20 so I didn't bother to look at either of them but I figured where there is some kids stuff, there might be more! When I walked in the door the woman said "Everything is half off!" I was really hoping for some good finds.

I found these three books. The two sticker activity books haven't been used and look kind of fun. The third book is a Little Critter book, and I love those.

In the garage I found this Step 2 bench for our deck. It'll store some of the kids stuff, and be good to sit on or the dolls can walk on it. I got it for $7.50. Not bad.

When I was paying for these items I asked how much the picnic table was outside. We already have one for Tesla but I figured a second one would be nice to have if we have a big group of kids over doing an outdoor craft. The woman said it was $15.00, normally but half off today!
How stinking cool is that? So for $15.75, I got three books, a bench and a picnic table. YEAH! I'm still looking for a t-ball set and some other activity items like that for outside.

I've been reading Apron Thrift Girl for awhile now and I have to credit her for these great finds. If it wasn't for her I probably would rush straight home rather than hit these sales. But she finds some really great stuff and she inspired me! Thanks! Go check out her blog, and see what she found this weekend!

Thanks for reading! Leave a comment!

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