
Friday, April 16, 2010

Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

Washington has so many beautiful views. I love going over to the Olympic Peninsula and wandering around the rain forest. I have to admit I love just driving up our road, with the beautiful giant trees hanging over. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival is one of those events that is just stunning, and until you go, you just can't fully appreciate the millions of tulips lay out in front of you.

Earlier this week my mom and I went up with Tesla to see the Tulips. It's nice to go during the week. I'm not much of a crowds person so now that I'm a stay at home mom I prefer to do all these types of things on the weekday. When we first got up to Mt. Vernon which is inside Skagit Valley we went to Roozengaarde. Roozengaarde is a beautiful display garden. You can also pick up a catalog from them and as you walk around you can mark off the tulips you love and order them before you leave for the day. They then get mailed to you in the fall. Just amazing!

We didn't order any bulbs. I am still a bit bitter about the deer tearing the daffodils I planted straight out of the ground. My favorite tulips were a beautiful purple and white tulip by the name of Zurel, but I really loved all the multi-colored tulips.

Tesla had a wonderful time. Although we had to leave the display garden as soon as she got out of the stroller because she is very interested in picking up all the rocks and putting them in the stroller. I have been working on gentle touches with her and amazingly she did not hit any of the tulips and actually touched them softly.

As we walked around the tulip festivals we had to dodge quite a few puddles. It was very very muddy, fortunately we brought the jogging stroller, thanks to my sister, which has large wheels and holds Tesla up higher. I saw a little girl that was wearing a very cute light pink outfit from head to toe with a pretty little flower in her hair and she was completely covered in mud. I'm happy to be more practical then that and put Tesla in jeans. Although she didn't get dirty that day. Now yesterday, that's another story.

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