
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I won a Giveaway!

A couple of weeks ago or month, not really sure, I won a giveaway because of one of the blogs I read! How cool is that?! The blog is Frogs and Snail. Cute name right? They were doing this whole month of the boy thing at the time. Anyway she did this post about a giveaway happening at Boysbecool. So I hopped on over there and entered myself. I had a choice of three different shirts from a company by the name of Fore! Axel and Rose. Obviously really beautiful high quality clothing. Then a week later I found I won! How cool is that! I LOVE LOVE LOVE winning stuff, I know everyone does, but some people have the gift to win stuff, others like me, really think they are going to win but rarely ever actually do.

The size is a 12-18 month. I had the choice to get something smaller but I thought if Ben is anything like Tesla he'll be wearing this early and hopefully for awhile. It's really pretty, er handsome.

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