
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Schedules Work!

So I am not super rigid, I promise. But I do think that having a schedule and the consistency is really good for Tesla. For the last couple of weeks I have started only running errands twice a week. I've chosen Tuesday and Thursday but we can do other days too but I will try and never run the errands two days in a row. I think it's really good for Tesla to be home, learning, what I can teach her and playing with the toys that she has here. She responds well to Blanket Time! and to reading, music and other play time. She also allows me to do the chores that I need to do, like clean up the kitchen put the clothes away and so on. I am completely okay with changing the schedule around though and running an errand here and there on a non-scheduled errand day, but I have to tell you that when I was running out every day Tesla was not a happy camper to get in and out of the car seat, in and out of the cart and no play time for her. The other upside is that I think hard about where I need to go and I don't end up spending to much money, or buying things frivolously, and I do love to shop so it would be easy to do that.

Anyway this week we started going to the library. We went on Thursday to pick up some books that I had on hold and asked about story time. The library has the story time broken down to really specific age groups. On Thursday there was the 6-12 month age group and the instructor asked us if we wanted to join in and after explaining that Tesla was to old, she said that if she acted up we could always leave. Which was great, because then I got to see the younger age group which Tesla is too young for. The 12-24 month age group was the following day. So I had to break my rule of not going out two days in a row and we went again. It was so worth it!

The class was pretty big, maybe 20 mom's and their children, and the instructor was phenomenal. She starts off with a hello song and then sings a few songs that involve sign language and other movement, then reads a book, repeats singing, reads another book and then it's time to get props involved. She handed out ribbons that the kids could swing back and forth, and then it was play and socialize time. It was so much fun.

At the end of the class she did the bubble machine and Tesla loved it. So I went by the local drug store and picked up a bubble maker to play with.

When we got home Tesla wanted to stay outside, so we played in the yard, I blew bubbles and she slid down the slide a few times.

PHOTOS: First picture is of Tesla "playing" with her attachable chair for the table. Second Picture is of Tesla playing with a double bag of paint. It's supposed to be like painting but much less messy. Third, forth and fifth pics need no explanation.

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