
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hand Me Downs and Sad News

We recently went over to our friends Alex and Nicole's house. They just had a new baby boy, Zach, and we just loved meeting him. He's such a cutie. With the addition of Zach, Alex and Nicole now have three kids, two girls and a boy. Sabine, 5 1/2, Charlie, 18 months and Zach. Since their latest addition is a boy they were anxious to pass on their girl clothes. (I think Nicole's mom was the most anxious since I believe the clothes were being stored in her bedroom.) We walked away from their house on Saturday with two huge bags of clothes for Tesla. Now Tesla has more than enough clothes and shoes to last her through the winter unless there's a massive growth spurt. It's fun, once you get over your own taste in clothes to just have a bunch of clothes you didn't pick out to wear. The dress she's pictured in is one that was handed down and I looked at it and could not figure out what the makers were thinking. The combination of courderoy, denim, felt, and fleece made this dress quite the oddity. However, I would say, on it's quite cute. I love the tights too. They are much thicker so in the winter they'll keep her little legs warm when she wears all the new dresses. We're incredibly grateful for all of the clothes and shoes we received. We won't deny that times are tough, but at least our little girl has adorable clothes to make us laugh.

On the way home from Alex's we got an email from our friend Marykay. She let us know of the passing of our mutual friends daughter. Chris is a fraternity brother of Jason's, and his daughter Alexis Paige who was only 18 months passed away on Friday night. We're very sad for the Pegher's. It's really heart breaking to hear of something like this happening to anyone, but as a mother of a beautiful little girl it's very scary. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the Pegher's at this difficult time. Since we heard I check on Tesla all the time when she's sleeping and to be honest is what really inspired me to start blogging.

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